FIFA enters the Iran case, Ukraine and Italy's 2022 World Cup dream comes to an end
In recent days, rumors have surfaced that Iran is in danger of being punished and replaced by Italy at the 2022 World Cup. However, FIFA's latest move shows that it is difficult for Italy to attend the tournament in Qatar.
The 2022 World Cup is less than a month away from kicking off. Asia has 5 representatives present at the biggest football festival on the planet, including: Iran, Japan, Korea and Saudi Arabia and host Qatar. However, ahead of the tournament in Qatar, Iran is under pressure from objections to this country's participation in the 2022 World Cup.

There is even a group of people who have urged FIFA to remove Iran from the 2022 World Cup with a petition with more than 22,000 signatures. The petition includes political instability in Iran, and the lack of privileges for children and women.
Not stopping there, the CEO of the Skhatar Donetsk club recently called on FIFA to deprive Iran of the right to attend the 2022 World Cup and give it to Ukraine:
Shakhtar Donetsk calls on FIFA and the international community to immediately ban the Iranian team from participating in the 2022 World Cup because the country is directly involved in terrorist attacks. This slot should be reserved for the Ukraine team. In the play-off round, Ukraine faced many disadvantages but fought with all their heart. The decision makes sense both historically and sportingly."
Not only Ukraine but even a senior official of the Italian Football Federation voiced support for the exclusion of Iran from the 2022 World Cup:
"Once again, the world awaits your action. As a FIFA leader, let's exclude Iran from the 2022 World Cup. Because there have been many concerns about the situation in this country. On the rankings In the world, Italy is the name with the highest ranking among the teams that did not participate in the World Cup."
Although under great pressure to exclude Iran from the tournament in Qatar, according to the latest information from the Independent, the possibility of Iran being eliminated from the 2022 World Cup is not high, even in the event that Iran is excluded. The opportunity is also for a team in the Asian Play-off group, but Italy or Ukraine have absolutely no "door" to replace Iran. Specifically, here are the UAE and Australia teams.
Although FIFA itself punished Russia by excluding this team from the play-off round to compete for a ticket to the World Cup 2022, in the case of Iran, FIFA emphasized the message that they did not suspend the team from China. This east because the government of Iran completely does not interfere in the operation of the Iranian Football Federation.
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